Friday, November 7, 2008

More frequent updates to come!

I will try my best to update my blog as often as possible. I first created this blog to record different projects and the process that came from them, but lately I've been thinking that I want this blog to be a recording of significant times in my life, in both the professional field, as well as my daily life.

Recording what I've done is important to me because I can look back and see how much I've grown and changed. In my last blog, I documented what I did everyday, until I found a more efficient way to record things: Twitter

I have two lives that I know of. My online world, and my physical world. They both effect each other, and I am learning to find a balance between the two. I've found that being able to express myself through words and photographs says more about me than any other form of communication. I want to be able to look back on what I've done, all that I've achieved, and where these events will lead me.

Perhaps this post should have came earlier, but it's life, and life happens! I look forward to a long and happy relationship between me, this blog, and you, my reader. Thanks for reading.

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