Sunday, January 17, 2010

Biggest Lamp Ever

Here's another very interesting lamp. It's HUGE! The form is very organic and reminds me of a hot air balloon. You probably wouldn't need a heater with the heat that this lamp puts out!

It’s the extra extra extra large lamp. The name is “°XXXL(amp)”, by Eden Design. Without a doubt, the designers claim to be “space defining” with this mother is well founded. Inspired by the shape of a Chinese lantern, sort of like the top of a mushroom if you know what I mean. Twelve segments of pure upside-down hot air balloon. Bigger than my living room. Better than any lamp ever. Ladies like to stand under it.

Eden Design just got so big right now. Biggest possible. This lamp is meant to be hung at 1.30m, so you can stick your head in there. And if you’re really cool, you’ll take the suggestion of one of the designers: hang up just a half of a lamp against a giant mirrored wall…


Designer: Eden Design

XXXL(amp) by Eden Design


Via Yanko Design

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