TC1000 - Proposal Design Brief
TC1000 - Proposal Design Brief
The objective of this project is to develop an affordable and compact cart to support a range of tablets using a standard 75mm or 100mm VESA mount. To develop a cart that visually conveys the quality and innovation of emerging tablet technology.
The carts will be sold through distributor and dealer channels and should be packaged for compact, pre-sale storage.
- Entertainment/game cart with tablet for children patients
- Designed playful cart, holds accessories
- 1 final prototype presented to Modo
- Children at the hospital, bed-ridden, recovering from injury
- Age: 7-13
- Gender: male
- Average student in grade school, likes to bike, skateboard - things with wheels; plays video games, enjoys playing outdoors, has pets
- Name: Timmy
- Age: 11
- Grade: 4th
- Hobbies: Skateboarding, video games
- Cart will have storage areas where different forms of entertainment is kept; books, toys, something from home to feel less nervous and anxious in hospital surroundings; gaming platform
- Cart and toys should help make the environment more fun and cheerful, colorful, bright and uplifting
- Other users: nurses, parents, janitor/cleaning
Timmy is injured, in leg cast, bed-ridden recovery
Bored, restless
Needs form of entertainment
- Playful, laughter A distraction from their injury Friendly forms and shapes, colors
- Look less like medical equipment, more like a game console, means of entertainment
MESSAGES: Features, Benefits and Values
- Friendly form, rolls underneath bed, book shelves/storage, entertainment platform, snack tray
- Wi-fi enabled, multi-player games (iPad), rent-a-cart for patients, portable (take home)
- Entertainment console that can educate, entertain, and promote recovery
Budget and Schedule
- $200 per cart
- Play time and entertainment can speed up recovery time
- Prototype due: June 8, 2010
- Benefits: Patient and patient's family, hospital staff
- Performance: Professional review by Modo, class critiques and course grade
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