Saturday, June 5, 2010

TC1000: Moby 2.0

After our final review, we realized that Moby could be smoother and livelier. So we've been spending time creating Moby 2.0.

Moby has been stripped, sanded, replastered, and sanded some more. The arm was also fixed because it developed a crack on the way over to the presentation room. We've also resolved the joint issue and refined the overall shape a little bit more. The docking station was also refined to make the visual language blend all together into a cohesive product.

Lots of work, but we're happy with where we're heading now and the process is easier the second time around!

[gallery link="file" orderby="title"]

We still need to paint, add the dots, and finalize our presentation to Modo. More images to come!


  1. Moby looks like a big marshmallow! Makes me hungry. Looks really good hope you get high marks!
