Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Continuing Higher Education

I've been considering continuing my education for almost two years now. And a few days ago, I made the decision to start pursuing my Master's degree in Interior Architecture and Design. I have always been inspired by architecture and I believe that this is an excellent opportunity for me to become more educated in this field, as well as pave a road for my future.

Design has always been a large part of my life, and taking my skills and applying them towards an environment will be very rewarding. This is a challenge that I place on myself. I am motivated to succeed and to reach my goals. This path I am taking is both to extend my professional reach, as well as on a more personal level. I am not only thinking about my future, but also of the lives I will touch, the people I will meet, and the difference I will make. I am doing this for myself, but also to set an example. I am setting an example for my siblings, family members, and one day, my children.

This is the biggest decision I've ever made. I am one that likes having things planned out. I like knowing where I will be in a week, a month, a year. And I love being in control. Right now I feel as though I am taking things into my own hands. I have to. I can't sit around and hope that things will happen the way I want it to.

In order to be successful, I have to make sacrifices, choices, and take on more responsibilities. I am ready to make this commitment, and I will stick to it. The timing may not always be right, but when is it? There will never be perfect timing.

So here I am.

I have everything going for me. I'm ready to do this. I'm ready to go. Let's DO it!



I am enrolling in UO's Summer Architecture Academy to get a "taste" of the professional degree program. This program will help me decide the next four years of my life, both educationally and for my career.

I've been extremely lucky to have two great, supporting parents that will stick by my side through my decisions. It's gonna be great! I can't wait.


I got accepted. Program starts June 30th, 2008.

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