Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New FOOD blog for PD484

It's the start of a new term, which means more projects to come! Woohoo! This is going to be a crazy term for me because I'm taking 4 studio courses... Hopefully I'll survive! Not only are the classes harder this term, there is also more course work! I'll be updating more often with blog posts; to keep my sanity, and also to fulfill some requirements for class.

There will be postings for my TOOLS class in this blog. I have started another blog at for my Senior Product Design studio, related to food and design! What better combination than that!?

I hope that you guys who follow this blog will also take a peek at the other site. It'll be an exciting term of design and I'd like to share it all with you!

Anyways, that's what's going on with me now! I hope that everyone has had a great beginning to this new year. Stay warm out there and I'll be updating you guys again soon. :)

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