Wednesday, January 6, 2010

PD 410: Design Tools

This class will expose me to a variety of materials and techniques used to manipulate them. I am very excited about this class and the creations that will come out of it!

PD 410: Design Tools

Course Description:

This course will introduce you to three materials and the tools to use to manipulate them. You will learn basic construction methods, material properties, and tool use that can be implemented into the studio or at local production shops. The products are to be simple so that they have the ability to be produced by the class or local shops. We will discuss fundamental design methods and practices and address issue of production. You will be expected to design LAMPS out of all three materials. WOOD, METAL, PAPER. Each material will be paired with one type of lamp: HANGING, TABLE, WALL.


To be an excellent designer, you should understand the materials of design and production. The more you know about processes, tools, and materials, the more informed you are in the design process and the more knowledgeable designer you become. This understanding will help you make smart and educated design decisions. Design does not favor one material or method, and as a designer you may not be familiar with the materials and construction methods that the project requires. With an understanding of basic tools and processes in different media, you can learn to approach materials with confidence. You will be able to develop methods for designing, and have a deeper understanding of material properties and how something is made.

It is not only important to think about what you are making but why you are making it.

Does the world need this object? "

Good" design incorporates anthropometric, quality material and an understanding of construction techniques. But, it is also important to bring in narrative, and point of view to create a product that enriches peoples lives.

  • What will it be used for?

  • What is the story of the object?

  • What is the narrative of its use?

  • Where is it stored?

  • What is its specific functions?

  • Who is it for?

  • Does it challenge our expectations of what design is?

Design Language:

for each project you will need to consider what your principal design object is. This will help you crate a design language that will inform every decision for all three projects. The objective should tie all the pieces together. You will leanr how each material communicates your object differently based on its properties. You will end up creating a family of products that relate to each other despite their scale, function or material. Choose your word, which is in line with your design objective, carefully.

Studio Goals:

  • Understand the correlation & importance of form, function, conceptual & creative concepts in design

  • understand social and ecological implication of your design choices

  • analyzing a user's preconceived expectations of what lighting is and should be

  • research the physical relationship between lighting and the user

  • integrate research & class discussions of contemporary designers theory into individual design solutions

  • ability to communicate and document the design process in 2D drawings and 3D prototypes

  • gain hands-on knowledge about material strengths, weaknesses, a& the processes used to manipulate them

  • applying appropriate ergonomic and anthropometric information

  • understanding how to use finish material/color in meaningful ways

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